Anyone who comes in contact with Morgan Hartman never forgets the meeting. She brings smiles, hugs and unconditional love to everyone she encounters. When you interact with Morgan, what you see and hear is truly from her heart. There are no filters or barriers to Morgan’s expressions and her genuine desire to be your true friend.
Morgan is very outgoing yet shy about certain things. She recognizes her special needs and at times wishes she “were another kid,” but even so, she never forgets to be kind, thoughtful and witty – something we all wish we could achieve more often.
She embraces life not truly understanding every detail of that which surrounds her, but with a keen eye and ear for the little details many of us take for granted or never notice.
She is a typical teenager who enjoys her music, videos and her dog and cat. Morgan has had to deal with some physical challenges in her life, but she has overcome them beyond all expectations because of her positive attitude and perseverance.
While recuperating on a ventilator in ICU after an extremely complicated surgery, Morgan still made sure all around her were comforted whether through her unforgettable smile or an occasional thumbs up to let everyone know she was alright.
Morgan’s boundless love and ability to “soar” above her challenges were the true inspiration for this amazing park. Morgan’s desire to make everyone around her happy is magnified and expanded by the worldwide appeal of this park. That happiness will spread to all those who have special needs, their families, caregivers and those loving friends who volunteer their time to help ensure the success of Morgan’s Wonderland. It is Morgan’s fervent hope that everyone with special needs - young and old, healthy or ailing, introspective or outgoing - will be touched in a very special way by this park. An oasis of friendship . . . a shrine of inclusion . . . an unforgettable wonderland . . . Morgan’s Wonderland!
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